
File a Home Insurance Claim

How to File A Home Insurance Claim For The Auburn, Lewiston & Turner, ME Areas

If you cannot get in touch with someone at our office to file a claim, we have provided you with a list of our other companies that you are able to contact. In case of an emergency please call 207-619-2811.

We provide homeowners insurance to residents throughout Auburn, Lewiston, and Turner, ME

What Do You Need To Do For A Home Insurance Claim?

Things happen, some of which you can’t prevent. Whether Mother Nature has wreaked havoc of your home, someone gets injured on your property, or we’ve been the victim of a burglary, home insurance can help you stay covered. If you need to file a claim, it is important to read over your policy, so you know exactly what to do or call your agent directly. The following list includes some of the steps you may need/want to take. 

  • Report crime to police: If your home has been burglarized, contact your local police department, obtain a police report and the police officers name for documentation should you need it later in the process.
  • Contact insurance agent immediately: Check what your policy coverage is and get all of your questions answered regarding your claim and timelines.
  • Fill out claim forms: If you are proceeding with a claim, your insurance agent will help you with timelines. Send in all necessary forms as soon as possible to avoid delays. 
  • Have insurance adjuster inspect damage: A claims adjusted will come out to your home to assess the damage. Before the adjuster visits your home, make a list of damaged items and take pictures/video to make the process speedier. Do not throw out damaged items until the adjuster visited your home. 
  • Make temporary repairs: You can make repairs, but do not throw out damaged items until the adjuster visited your home. Save receipts of the replacement items.
  • Prepare a list of lost/damaged items: Make a list of damaged items, one for you and one for the adjuster. Also, give the adjuster copies of receipts from damaged items.
  • Keep receipts if you need to relocate: If the damage to your home requires you to stay somewhere while repairs are being made, keep receipts as proof. 

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